Wednesday, 15 June 2011

What a right carry on

I am tired of hearing about conventional publishing versus what is increasingly becoming known as indie publishing, I feel a bit like John Wayne in a Hollywood sandpit, fighting off Cochise and a thousand braves with that trusty six shooter which neither misses, nor runs out of bullets, although I'm not particularly interested in bashing anyone. I just want to be the best writer I can be. I think E publishing can help me do that. I have spent too many years being rebuffed by those people acting as gatekeepers in defence of the massive profits they make,and the few authors they publish to keep up their privileged monopoly. Just been listening to a debate about those terrible 99c authors who are ruining the publishing industry. Not so my friends, not so.

Those terrible 99c self published authors can do one amazing thing that can't be easily done with a £7.99 paperback or a £19.00 hardback, They can listen to their readers, learn what they like and dislike, edit their books and post the improved versions at no extra cost to their readers. The electronic author has multiple chances of getting it right and becoming a better author than the one who doesn't, or won't, do digital.(are you reading this, Anne Widdecombe?) I'm in the business of self improvement and giving my readers what they want. Shouldn't we all be doing that?I firmly believe the dice are now loaded in the favour of the indie author. I daresay, one fine day a lot of those terrible 99c authors will be well known to the general public, while the dinosaurs of the Hardbackoceine age will be just folk memories to frighten your kids with. “If you don't eat your greens the Widdyweb will get you. She'll take you into her gingerbread cottage in the forest and make you read her books. If that doesn't finish you off, she'll bring out the LITERARY FICTION to do the job! Is that A.S, Byatt I see coming down the footpath?” That'll teach em.

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